
I've succeeded in using jdee on MS Windows with the Cygwin compiled version of
emacs (not the Windows natively compiled version), but it has been painful
because this emacs version doesn't understand Windows style paths like c:/ or

I had to split jde-normalize-path in two functions, one that does the same job
except converting paths to Windows syntax, and another that pipes the result to
jde-convert-cygwin-path ; so that, I can call the first one to transform paths
used by emacs itself (in jde-find, for example) and the second one to transform
paths used by java.

So I've patched a lot my jde installation...

Is it a known problem ? Does anyone know another workaround ? I've searched a
lot and I couldn't find any discussion about this.

Could it be handled in the jde official distribution or is it a bug of the
Cygwin version of emacs ?

Below is the detail of what I did in jde.el :

(defun jde-normalize-path-without-cygwin (path &optional symbol) 
;; This is a copy of the original jde-normalize-path function
;; I just comment the following instruction
;;    (setq p (jde-convert-cygwin-path p))

(defun jde-normalize-path (path &optional symbol) 
  "Just calls `jde-normalize-path-without-cygwin'
   and pipes the result to jde-convert-cygwin-path"
        (jde-convert-cygwin-path (jde-normalize-path-without-cygwin path 

The calls to jde-normalize-path have then to be replaced by calls to
jde-normalize-path-without-cygwin when java is not concerned.


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