I've been wondering with frustration why my windows disappear right after i
move to them to start editing...
Then i read: jde-compile-finish-kill-buffer, and lo! it intentionally waits
2 seconds after a compile,
then sneaks in and destroys the window that contains the compiler output!
Two seconds is about the time it takes me to type C-xC-o, C-xC-b "buffer i
want to edit"
and magically i've been reduced from 2 windows to 1 window,
so now I have to C-x2 can again C-xC-b to get back to the buffer....

Yikes! Kill the compiler buffer, or bury the compile buffer;
but don't wait 2 seconds and then mess the window configuration!
[IMHO: changing my window configuration asynchronously goes way beyond the
principle of least astonishment.]
Ok, flame off;
Maybe you all use Emacs in the multi-frame pop-up mode and this is not a
If so, tell me how you make that work, just setting pop-up-frames makes more
and more frames...

Or maybe there is some confusion about deleting the window and killing the
The function called "jde-compile-kill-buffer" un-conditionally deletes a
 and only conditionally kills a buffer!
If the function was re-named "jde-compile-delete-window", then its function
and the [IMHO] severe consequences would be more clearly identified.

Can we at least move the (if  jde-compile-enable-kill-buffer ...) test
to include the (delete-winodws-on buf) or put *inside*
so it controls not just the 'kill' of the buffer, but also the
delete-window-on aspect also?
[surely, there is little incentive to kill the compile buffer when compile
 it is so small, what is the point of killing it?

Alright, i'm hacked it to work like this:

;;; redefine jde-compile-enable-kill-buffer to be the time to wait...
(defun jde-compile-finish-kill-buffer (buf msg)
  "Removes the jde-compile window after a few seconds if no errors."
    (set-buffer buf)
    (if (null (or (string-match ".*exited abnormally.*" msg)
                  (string-match ".*BUILD FAILED.*" (buffer-string))
    (not (numberp jde-compile-enable-kill-buffer))))
        ;;no errors, make the compilation window go away in a few seconds
        (lexical-let ((compile-buffer buf))
          (run-at-time (format "%d secs" jde-compile-enable-kill-buffer)
         nil 'jde-compile-kill-buffer
          (message "No compilation errors"))
      ;;there were errors, so jump to the first error
      (if jde-compile-jump-to-first-error (next-error 1)))))

(defun jde-compile-kill-buffer (buf)
  (kill-buffer buf))

(defcustom jde-compile-enable-kill-buffer 1
  "* Number of seconds to wait before 'jde-compile-finish-kill-buffer
will kill the compilation output buffer, or nil to not kill the buffer."
  :group 'jde-compile-options
  :type 'integer)

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