I upgraded from JDE 2.3.3 to 2.3.5 and now jde-import-find-and-import
does not work.  I have verified that the classes in jde-global-classpath
are correct.  JDE finds neither third-party classes nor Java classes.

This is the content of prj.el:

(jde-project-file-version "1.0")
 '(jde-global-classpath (quote ("/usr/java/jars/struts_1.1.jar")))
 '(jde-run-option-classpath "global")
 '(jde-sourcepath (quote ("./src"))))

The classpath has been pared down to isolate a single jar file.  The
text below shows the *Messages* buffer content for a search for
ActionMapping (org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping) and Set

Starting the BeanShell. Please wait... [6 times]
Error: could not find ActionMapping. [2 times]
White space changes [4 times]
Inserted tags: (set)
Decorations still on execute [3 times]
Variables: Set set
Starting the BeanShell. Please wait... [6 times]
Error: could not find Set. [3 times]

I don't remember JDE showing the "Starting the BeanShell..." messsage
more than once before.  Could it be the BeanShell is crashing and JDE is
not complaining?

Thanks in advance,


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