
I recently installed jdee. It is very nice and I like it for Java coding.

The problem is that I like it ONLY for java coding. Unfortunately, it
changed something in my C++ mode. Now when I edit C++ code, somehow the
jdee is active partially. Here is what I can tell you:

When I open emacs and visit some C++ file, the mode that gets turned on
automatically is "C++ ElDoc Abbrev". It used to be just "C++ Abbrev".
Nevertheless, I can turn off "ElDoc" by typing "M-x eldoc-mode". This
does not help much. Now the mode changes to "C++ Abbrev", but still as I
write the background color changes, as with java files. The same if I
disable all minor modes in minor mode menu.

Please tell me, if you know, what might be wrong.

Thanks in advance.



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