Attendees: Michael Bouschen, Tilmann Zäschke, Craig Russell

NOTE: Next week Europe goes off DST while the conference call is still on DST.

1. New JIRA JDO-757 "Add @Repeatable to all annotations which can be repeated"

Looks like we are almost done here. No need to deprecate existing “repeatable 
container” annotations. If any user really wants to use them, fine.

why was ElementType.TYPE added to Column? What does this mean?

Everything else looks good.

2. JDO-756 "Enhance PK to avoid LongIdentity/StringIdentity dependencies"

3. JDO-751 "Support for Java8 Optional"

This JIRA looks complete. AI: Tilmann open a new JIRA for subqueries returning 
collections that might have methods isEmpty(), contains(), and size(). 
Currently the only tck tests for subqueries return aggregate scalars.

4. JDO-735 "Make PersistenceManager and Query support AutoCloseable (JDK1.7+)"

AI Michael reopen this JIRA and comment on the Query.isClosed() and the 
semantics of close() applied to Query.

We need a test case that tests that close() is idempotent and is useable in the 
try-with-resources context.

Add to the javadoc of Query.close() that this method is identical to closeAll() 
and is intended only for use by the try-with-resources pattern of Java 7. It is 
not intended to be called by the application. The close method may be a hint to 
the implementation that this Query object might not be used again. 

5. JDO-747 "Behavior of delete() with multiple concurrent Transactions"

6. JDO 3.1: Need to go through change lists in JIRA for 3.1 RC1 and 3.1 to 
prepare JCP Change Log

7. Other issues

Chapter 14 tables are strangely formatted. Michael volunteered to make changes. 

Action Items from weeks past:
[Oct 30 2015] AI Craig: File a maintenance review with JCP
[May 15 2015] AI Craig Spec change for roll back an active transaction when 
closing a persistence manager (JDO-735)  
[Apr 17 2015] AI Craig: Oracle spec page on JDO need to be updated once the JCP 
Maintenance Release for JDO 3.1 is published
[Oct 17 2014] AI Matthew any updates for "Modify specification to address NoSQL 
[Feb 28 2014] AI Everyone: take a look at
[Feb 28 2014] AI Everyone: take a look at
[Dec 13 2013] AI Craig file a JIRA for java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob as 
persistent field types
[Aug 24 2012] AI Craig update the JIRAs JDO-689 JDO-690 and JDO-692 about 
JDOHelper methods. In process.

Craig L Russell
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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