I've got the following problem with accumulate-CE. The following code works fine:
(deftemplate smth
 (slot anyth)
(deffacts facts
 (smth (anyth "x"))
 (smth (anyth "y"))
(defrule rule
  ?data <- (accumulate
    (bind ?result (create$))
    (bind ?result
      (create$ ?result ?anyth)
;    (and
        (anyth ?anyth)
;    )
  (printout t ?data crlf)
But when I enable the and-CE Jess reports an 'Error during execution'.
Another question on accumulate-CE: is it possible to return more then one variable as a result? E.g. in the preceding example I may need to query values of several slots (anyth2, anyth3 etc.). Of course I may use implode$ and put them in one list but this makes things too complex.

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