Jmol.___JmolVersion="14.18.1"  // 2017.06.06

* (69.8 MB)

new feature: WRITE SDF writes > <.... user data
 -- can be set using   MODEL PROPERTY "molData" x  where x is an
associative array
 -- can be read using _M.molData

new feature: associativeArray.pop() -- clears associativeArray

new feature: assArray1.push(assArray2) -- adds all key/value entries in
assArray2 to assArray1.

new feature: assArray1 + assArray2  -- adds all key/value entries into a
new associative array. (Complements a1 - a2)

bug fix: CIP misses Rule 4b cases where a branching atom has R or S
 -- see test_bt_P4.mol and test_bt_O3.mol (BH64.65 and BH64.66)
 -- see AY236.179 (3D structure was diasteriomer, so I missed that)

bug fix: WRITE MOL should not generate > <JMOL_PARTIAL_CHARGES> because it
is  not SDF format
bug fix: WRITE SDF should generate > <JMOL_PARTIAL_CHARGES> with a trailing

bug fix: (SMILES) targetString.find("SMILES",patternString) will fail for
.[C@H]2 (new group and attached to a connection number)
bug fix: SHOW CHEMICAL SMILES fails when logLevel is set > 4

Robert M. Hanson
Professor of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get.

-- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
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