Sorry to bother you again.  After using make and wllvm, KLEE stopped
and it generated this error:
 myklee --emit-all-errors --allow-external-sym-calls  --optimize
--libc=uclibc --posix-runtime --max-memory=1000 ./hmmer.bc
KLEE: NOTE: Using klee-uclibc :
KLEE: NOTE: Using model:
KLEE: output directory is
Using STP solver backend
Terminator found in the middle of a basic block!
label %34
Broken module found, compilation aborted!
0  klee            0x0000000000cdc1d5 llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(_IO_FILE*)
+ 37
1  klee            0x0000000000cdc61f
2  libpthread.so.0 0x00007f2edccc4390
3  libc.so.6       0x00007f2eda88a428 gsignal + 56
4  libc.so.6       0x00007f2eda88c02a abort + 362
5  klee            0x0000000000c9750d
6  klee            0x0000000000c97331
7  klee            0x0000000000c7b863
llvm::FPPassManager::runOnFunction(llvm::Function&) + 547
8  klee            0x0000000000c7ba2b
llvm::FPPassManager::runOnModule(llvm::Module&) + 43
9  klee            0x0000000000c7be3e
llvm::legacy::PassManagerImpl::run(llvm::Module&) + 782
10 klee            0x00000000005a469c llvm::Optimize(llvm::Module*,
std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
std::allocator<char> > const&) + 236
11 klee            0x00000000005a030b
klee::KModule::prepare(klee::Interpreter::ModuleOptions const&,
klee::InterpreterHandler*) + 3691
12 klee            0x000000000054e416
klee::Executor::setModule(llvm::Module*, klee::Interpreter::ModuleOptions
const&) + 278
13 klee            0x0000000000531e99 main + 3561
14 libc.so.6       0x00007f2eda875830 __libc_start_main + 240
15 klee            0x00000000005471d9 _start + 41
Aborted (core dumped)
However, when I use llvm-link it works but it generates this error:

/llvm2/Release/bin/llvm-link: link error in 'hmmsearch.bc': Linking globals
named 'main': symbol multiply defined!

attached is the make file.

Please advise

Thank you in advance

On 5 July 2017 at 02:43, asantosa1...@gmail.com <asantosa1...@gmail.com>

> Sorry it was my mistake. Please replace "sudo apt install wllvm"  with the
> following two commands:
> sudo apt install python-pip
> sudo pip install wllvm
> Best,
> Andrew
> On Wednesday, July 5, 2017, 7:35:00 AM GMT+8, Nourah mmm <
> dnoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you very much for your replay.
> I tried to do that, however, its print extract-bc: command not found.
> I'm trying to extract the bc from SPEC cpu2006 Integer benchmarks. So I
> did the following.
>    1. sudo apt install wllvm
>    2. LLVM_COMPILER=clang CC=wllvm make --> here I use clang version 3.4
>    and I just write wllvm without a path.
>    3. Then, it generate the .o files and an executable program(mcf)
>    4. extract-bc mcf
> Thank you
> Nora
> On 4 July 2017 at 03:04, asantosa1...@gmail.com <asantosa1...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I suppose what you want is to produce a bitcode for running with KLEE. You
> can probably
> do a normal build procedure for the program, but with replacing your C
> compiler with wllvm.
> wllvm is available here: https://github.com/travitch/ whole-program-llvm
> <https://github.com/travitch/whole-program-llvm> See also an installation
> instruction as the Step 2 here: Testing Coreutils · KLEE
> <https://klee.github.io/tutorials/testing-coreutils/>
> Testing Coreutils · KLEE
> <https://klee.github.io/tutorials/testing-coreutils/>
> Alternatively, on Ubuntu 16.04, you can do
> sudo apt install wllvm
> to install wllvm.
> I assume you would normally build the program using "make". In that case,
> and assuming
> that both clang and wllvm are in your PATH, the following might work to
> produce the binary:
> LLVM_COMPILER=clang CC=wllvm make
> And then you can do:
> extract-bc program
> To get the program.bc for running with KLEE.
> Best,
> Andrew
> On Tuesday, July 4, 2017, 9:05:49 AM GMT+8, Nourah mmm <dnoo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm testing a program that compress and decompress files.
> For C compilation I'm using these flags:
> How could I use these in KLEE?
> Thank you
> Nora
> ______________________________ _________________
> klee-dev mailing list
> klee-dev@imperial.ac.uk
> https://mailman.ic.ac.uk/ mailman/listinfo/klee-dev
> <https://mailman.ic.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/klee-dev>

Attachment: Makefile
Description: Binary data

INCLUDES= -I  '/home/klee/klee_src/include'
SOURCES= alphabet.c core_algorithms.c debug.c display.c emit.c emulation.c \
	 fast_algorithms.c histogram.c hmmio.c hmmcalibrate.c hmmsearch.c \
	 mathsupport.c masks.c misc.c modelmakers.c plan7.c plan9.c postprob.c \
	 prior.c tophits.c trace.c ucbqsort.c a2m.c aligneval.c alignio.c \
	 clustal.c cluster.c dayhoff.c eps.c file.c getopt.c gki.c gsi.c \
	 hsregex.c iupac.c msa.c msf.c phylip.c revcomp.c rk.c selex.c \
	 seqencode.c shuffle.c sqerror.c sqio.c squidcore.c sre_ctype.c \
	 sre_math.c sre_random.c sre_string.c ssi.c stack.c stockholm.c \
	 translate.c types.c vectorops.c weight.c

CC               = wllvm
COPTIMIZE        = -O2 
CXX              = wllvm++
FC               = /usr/local/gcc41/bin/gfortran
FOPTIMIZE        = -O2
FPBASE           = yes
OS               = unix
abstol           = 1e-05
action           = build
allow_extension_override = 0
backup_config    = 1
baseexe          = hmmer
basepeak         = 0
benchdir         = benchspec
benchmark        = 456.hmmer
binary           = 
bindir           = exe
calctol          = 0
changedmd5       = 0
check_integrity  = 1
check_md5        = 1
check_version    = 1
command_add_redirect = 0
commanderrfile   = speccmds.err
commandexe       = hmmer_base.amd64-m64-gcc41-nn
commandfile      = speccmds.cmd
commandoutfile   = speccmds.out
commandstdoutfile = speccmds.stdout
compareerrfile   = compare.err
comparefile      = compare.cmd
compareoutfile   = compare.out
comparestdoutfile = compare.stdout
compile_error    = 0
compwhite        = 
configdir        = config
configpath       = /home/naloboud/SpecCPU2006/cpu2006/config/./mytest.cfg
copies           = 1
datadir          = data
delay            = 0
deletebinaries   = 0
deletework       = 0
difflines        = 10
dirprot          = 511
endian           = 12345678
env_vars         = 0
exitvals         = spec_exit
expand_notes     = 0
expid            = 
ext              = amd64-m64-gcc41-nn
fake             = 0
feedback         = 1
flag_url_base    = http://www.spec.org/auto/cpu2006/flags/
floatcompare     = 
help             = 0
http_proxy       = 
http_timeout     = 30
hw_avail         = Dec-9999
hw_cpu_char      = 
hw_cpu_mhz       = 3000
hw_cpu_name      = AMD Opteron 256
hw_disk          = SATA
hw_fpu           = Integrated
hw_memory        = 2 GB (2 x 1GB DDR333 CL2.5)
hw_model         = Tyan Thunder KKQS Pro (S4882)
hw_nchips        = 1
hw_ncores        = 1
hw_ncoresperchip = 1
hw_ncpuorder     = 1 chip
hw_nthreadspercore = 1
hw_ocache        = None
hw_pcache        = 64 KB I + 64 KB D on chip per chip
hw_scache        = 1 MB I+D on chip per chip
hw_tcache        = None
hw_vendor        = Tyan
ignore_errors    = yes
ignore_sigint    = 0
ignorecase       = 
info_wrap_columns = 50
inputdir         = input
iteration        = -1
iterations       = 3
license_num      = 9999
line_width       = 0
locking          = 1
log              = CPU2006
log_line_width   = 0
logname          = /home/naloboud/SpecCPU2006/cpu2006/result/CPU2006.063.log
lognum           = 063
mach             = default
mail_reports     = all
mailcompress     = 0
mailmethod       = smtp
mailport         = 25
mailserver       =
mailto           = 
make             = specmake
make_no_clobber  = 0
makeflags        = 
max_active_compares = 0
mean_anyway      = 0
min_report_runs  = 3
minimize_builddirs = 0
minimize_rundirs = 0
name             = hmmer
nc               = 0
need_math        = yes
no_input_handler = close
no_monitor       = 
notes0100        =  C base flags: -O2 
notes0110        =  C++ base flags: -O2
notes0120        =  Fortran base flags: -O2
notes25          =  PORTABILITY=-DSPEC_CPU_LP64 is applied to all benchmarks in base.
notes_wrap_columns = 0
notes_wrap_indent =     
num              = 456
obiwan           = 
os_exe_ext       = 
output           = asc
output_format    = asc
output_root      = 
outputdir        = output
path             = /home/naloboud/SpecCPU2006/cpu2006/benchspec/CPU2006/456.hmmer
plain_train      = 1
prefix           = 
prepared_by      = 
rate             = 0
rawfile          = 
rawformat        = 0
realuser         = your name here
rebuild          = 0
reftime          = reftime
reltol           = 0.002
reportable       = 1
resultdir        = result
review           = 0
run              = all
runspec          = /home/naloboud/SpecCPU2006/cpu2006/bin/runspec --config=./mytest.cfg --action=build --tune=base --tune=base 456.hmmer
safe_eval        = 1
section_specifier_fatal = 1
sendmail         = /usr/sbin/sendmail
setpgrp_enabled  = 1
setprocgroup     = 1
shrate           = 0
sigint           = 2
size             = ref
skipabstol       = 
skipobiwan       = 
skipreltol       = 
skiptol          = 10
smarttune        = base
specdiff         = specdiff
specmake         = Makefile.YYYtArGeTYYYspec
specrun          = specinvoke
speed            = 0
srcalt           = 
srcdir           = src
stagger          = 10
strict_rundir_verify = 1
subworkdir       = work
sw_auto_parallel = No
sw_avail         = Dec-9999
sw_base_ptrsize  = 64-bit
sw_compiler      = gcc , g++ & gfortran 4.1.0 (for AMD64)
sw_file          = ext3
sw_os            = SUSE SLES9 (for AMD64)
sw_other         = None
sw_peak_ptrsize  = Not Applicable
sw_state         = runlevel 3
sysinfo_program  = 
table            = 1
teeout           = yes
teerunout        = yes
test_date        = Dec-9999
test_sponsor     = Turbo Computers
tester           = 
top              = /home/naloboud/SpecCPU2006/cpu2006
tune             = base
uid              = 1000
unbuffer         = 1
update-flags     = 0
use_submit_for_speed = 0
username         = naloboud
vendor           = anon
vendor_makefiles = 0
verbose          = 5
version          = 0
version_url      = http://www.spec.org/auto/cpu2006/current_version
workdir          = run
worklist         = list
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