This is edited from a comment on [The Myth of the Super Programming
Language] [0], which is a discussion of how many programmers seem to
believe that some esoteric programming language could allow a team to
outperform expectations by an order of magnitude. Edwards argues that
people don’t really choose minority languages because they’re better;
they just choose them because they’re more challenging, so they allow
them to show how smart they are.

Unsurprisingly, I disagree.

There are several interesting things going on here.

Variations among programmers

One is that, as everybody agrees, variations among programmers trump
everything. The original study (W. J. Erikson, Harold Sackman, and
E. E. Grant, 1968 [1]) that everybody cites to show 10× variation among
programmers also mentions that several of the programmers tested
couldn’t even finish the test tasks at all. Try to compute the ratio
of variation there, and you get a division-by-zero error. And we’ve
pretty much all experienced co-workers who exhibit *negative*
productivity — they introduce bugs, create ill feeling, distract other
people from the important things, make promises the company can’t
keep, copy-and-paste huge volumes of code, or add lots of unjustified

Most of us, if we’re honest and humble, can think of times we’ve been
the guy with the negative productivity.

So we can stipulate that programmer quality can account for any
productivity ratio whatsoever, including negative productivity
ratios. So clearly it’s more important to be a programmer whose
productivity is relatively high than to choose the right language, or
even a good language, as long as it’s possible to implement the system
in the language chosen with a sufficient amount of effort. OK?

Languages leading the way

A second thing is that, when you don’t know how to solve a problem,
your choice of language (and other tools, e.g. libraries) has a huge
effect on how long you flail around before coming up with a workable
approach. It doesn’t take that much effort to implement backtracking
depth-first search in C or Java or Python. But if you’re working in
Prolog, backtracking is one of the first things you’ll try. If you’re
trying to solve Sudoku, this is likely to get you to a solution rather
quickly. On the other hand, there are lots of problems for which this
approach is too slow to be applicable, and it can take you a long time
to figure that out.

Of course, some languages tend to focus your attention on questions
that don’t really bear on finding a way to solve the problem, like
whether this field is going to be a `Foo&`, a `Foo*`, or a `Foo`, or
how many bytes to allocate to which field, or which registers you’re
going to pass your arguments in, or the precise lifetime of each
allocated value — things that are crucial when the problem is to
decode a frame of video by the time it needs to be shown, but maybe
not for the majority of software.

These are bad languages to use to explore problems you don’t know how
to solve at all, unless the problem you’re having trouble with has to
do with time or space constraints.

On the other hand, like I said, if you know how to solve the problem,
it isn’t going to take you fifty times as long to solve a big problem
in C than in Prolog.

(Relatedly, learning more languages teaches you more patterns of
thought. Learning Prolog forces you to learn to think in terms of
search, and when that’s useful, and how to control the exponential
explosions. Learning ML forces you to learn to think in terms of pure
functions on recursively defined structures. Learning Forth, Scheme,
or Ruby encourages you to learn to think in terms of embedded
domain-specific languages. Each of these turns out to be very useful
in its appropriate realm, and you can of course implement them in your
language of choice.)

Low-level languages slow you down

A third thing is that, in fact, my choice of language *does* affect my
productivity substantially, even though I’m the same person. In the
last year I’ve written production code in Perl, PHP, Python,
Objective-C, and JavaScript. I consistently found myself fighting with
bugs I had written in Objective-C in decisions I didn’t have to make
in the higher-level languages, and so everything just took longer than
I expected. I’m often frustrated with the circumlocutions I have to
use in JS to say something simple — a little bit when I’m writing the
code, but much more later when I have to go back and read it in order
to extend it.

During that time, I’ve also written non-production code (“towering
monuments of mental masturbation”, in Edwards’s terms) in Lua, Go,
Forth, C, PostScript, and x86 assembly language. I find it relaxing to
write code in C. I don’t have to distract myself from what I’m doing
to look up functions in an API. It’s very clean and simple. I enjoy
the mental orgasms. On the other hand, it’s slow going, and every time
I have to track down a segfault, I am reminded of why software in the
1980s got new features so slowly. (Forth is even a little worse: no
compile-time type checking, and it’s easy to introduce stack-effect

There are certainly some things for which the difference in program
size between, say, Python and MIXAL is negligible. Even aside from the
better readability of Python, its nicer error-reporting behavior, and
its REPL, there are many more things for which the ratio is thousands
to one.

If you’re not convinced of this from your own experience, let me
suggest that you try the exercise. Pick some simple problems to
solve. Here’s a list of simple problems I’ve done or thought about

- using IP multicast to copy files between machines on the local
- downloading a series of web pages from
- drawing some 2-D ray-tracing diagrams of optical systems
- merging some text files whose lines are sorted in ASCIIbetical order
  at I/O-limited speed
- summing the first column of an input text file
- calculating the Haar transform of an input signal
- generating fractals
- losslessly cutting a JPEG file up into tiles and generating HTML to
  fit them back together
- median-filtering the pixels of an image
- uploading the latest photo from your digital camera to your web site.

Try several of these in, say, C, and your high-level language of
choice, switching up the order at random. If you're like me, you'll be
amazed at how much more work it really takes to do this stuff in a
lower-level language like Java or C, and how much harder it is to
maintain the result. It's easy to forget these things.

(I was going to mention Yossi Kreinin's [nomadic programmer
phenomenon] [2], but I realize I don't really know how to fit that in
here. Is Olin Shivers a canonical nomadic programmer? Dan Bernstein?
Thomas Dickey? Julian Seward? Russ Cox? What languages do nomads tend
to use? I'm not sure.)

[0]: "Jonathan Edwards, 2010-05-11"

[1]: It was originally published on 20 December 1966 as SP-2687,
“Exploratory Experimental Studies Comparing Online and Offline
Programming Performance”, by System Development Corporation (no plural
“s” on “System”), 32 pages plus four cover pages and DoD forms in the
PDF I have. The original objective was to measure whether timesharing
produced productivity improvements, but the immense variation in
individual performance made this impossible to determine. A shortened
version was published in the January 1968 issue of Communications of
the ACM. There seems to be a copy at the Charles Babbage Institute,
box 379, folder 13, United States National Bureau of Standards
collection of computer literature, NBS# 6623961.  I can’t find a
version online at the moment, so I’m putting my copy online at

[2]: "blog post, 

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