Alex said:   I don’t mind friends sharing or teachers supplying my patterns
no cost,   Thank you Alex!

A friend and I have subscriptions to different lace publications, but both
of us, if we see something in the other's publication, order our own copy
of that particular number.  My problem is more with out-of-print books. in
my early days of lace-making, I saw and fell in love with Pat Read's
Milanese lace books, but they were way beyond my capacities at the time;  A
couple of years later, when i felt I could tackle them, You couldn't find
the for love or money - well, yes, but a LOT of money on ebay.  A friend
lent me hers for a shile (what's the copyright position there?), and I
eventually was lucky enough to get a second-hand copy of the first book
from Roseground.

The same thing happened with  Bridget Cook's Idrija lace , but there were
other books on the subject, though not so detailed.  I was delighted when
they were reprinted, and am now working my way through mine.
I perfectly understand the feelings of designers, for whom what they earn
from a design is ridiculous compared with the time spent, the knowledge and
skill required, not to mention the inspiration.  And how galling it is that
even  that minute sum is pirated away.

But there are a lot of frustrated lacemakers out here who can't get designs
legally because they're out of print!  (I may say that the only prickings I
download are those which are offered free on sites such as LOKK - or Gon
Homberg's site - for which, much thanks, Gon!)

Sue from a gloriously sunny Montélimar

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