12 January 2006, 6:00 pm U.S. ET: 

Science has unconditionally retracted two published papers, 
W.-S. Hwang et al., Science 303, 1669 (2004) and 
W.-S. Hwang et al., Science 308, 1777 (2005),   
on the basis of the final report from the Investigation 
Committee of Seoul National University (SNU).   

Science has posted the editorial retraction to the 
Science Express website ( http://www.scienceexpress.org ). 
An excerpt may be found below: 

“Because the final report of the SNU investigation 
indicated that a significant amount of the data 
presented in both papers is fabricated, the editors 
of Science feel that an immediate and unconditional 
retraction of both papers is needed. We therefore 
retract these two papers and advise the scientific 
community that the results reported in them are 
deemed to be invalid.” 

This statement has been added to the chronology of 
events that is available at the following locations: 
* http://www.eurekalert.org/jrnls/sci/index.php 
* http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/science/2005-12/science_statement.pdf 
* http://www.sciencemag.org/sciext/hwang2005/ 

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