On 8/3/2016 5:04 AM, stones_edite...@cosoluce.fr wrote:


Our company is developping a web application.

Scenario is :

·The web application will be sold to many clients (one application for each)

·The web application will be hosted on our web server most of the time (and in some specials cases on client’s web server)

·Clients are charged with annual fees (licence) to be allowed to use their web application

·Clients have to login to enter in the web application (not public)

Now we have a plan to add maps and geocoding functionnalities.

That’s why I was visiting your web site.

I had a look to varous post in the Help Forum.

But I still need to clarify some points about Usage restrictions :

·Is our application a commercial application ? (I guess yes)

·Is our application is distributed ? (I guess yes)

·Do we have any usage limit ? Requests per month ? Requests per second ?

Thanks for your help.


http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_usage_policy and http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim_usage_policy are the two usage policies most likely to be relevant. The key point is OpenStreetMap data is free for everyone to use, but the services running on our servers are for people editing the map.

You should not base an application your are selling on our servers, as they may change at any point. Even if your usage is low enough to not be an issue, the OSMF servers have no SLA or other guarantees.
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