On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 5:04 AM,  <stones_edite...@cosoluce.fr> wrote:
> Now we have a plan to add maps and geocoding functionnalities.
> That’s why I was visiting your web site.
> I had a look to varous post in the Help Forum.
> But I still need to clarify some points about Usage restrictions :
> ·         Is our application a commercial application ? (I guess yes)
> ·         Is our application is distributed ? (I guess yes)
> ·         Do we have any usage limit ? Requests per month ? Requests per
> second ?

Regarding finding a provider of maps and geocoding, there are several
commercial entities that provide map tiles and geocoding services
based on OSM. If you use them, you would be subject to their terms of
use, copyright(s), etc. in addition to whatever database it's based

Here I some that I know about:

* MapBox: map tiles, geocoding, directions, and more
* Thunderforest: map tiles
* Mapzen: geocoding, directions
* Mapquest: map tiles, geocoding, directions, based on either OSM or
commercial map database

Any of the above would be able to provide you services priced based on
usage (thousands of hits to millions of hits per month) as well as
licensing information.

Eric Jiang, DoubleMap
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Office +1 855.463.6655
e...@doublemap.com | www.doublemap.com

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