After some research, it seems edition engraver only _pretends_ to insert arbitrary objects - it actually only supports a select few types of objects. Not including \tempo and \time. \time can be worked around rather easily (see snippet below), but for \tempo, it seems I'd have to modify the source code. I guess I'll try to do that, and then maybe do a pull request if it works.

timeEdit =
   (beat-structure fraction) ((number-list? '()) fraction?)
     ((assoc-get 'elements-callback
        (assoc-get 'TimeSignatureMusic
      (time beat-structure fraction))))

On 07/10/2017 12:49 AM, wrote:
I'd expect the two scores created by this to be identical, but the second one only has the \key applied (other stuff such as \bar and <>^"" works too), not the \time or \tempo. What am I doing wrong?

Also, it seems only the fourth argument is used for selecting editions (with \editionID); what's the first argument for?

\version "2.19.63"
\include "edition-engraver/edition-engraver.ily"

\consistToContexts #edition-engraver Score.Staff.Voice
\addEdition time
\editionMod time 1 0/0 E.Staff \key g \major
\editionMod time 1 0/0 E.Score \time 4/4
\editionMod time 1 0/0 E.Score \tempo "Some text" 4=120
\editionMod time 2 0/0 E.Score \time 2/4
\editionMod time 3 0/0 E.Score \time 4/4

\book {
   \score { \new Staff <<
     { b'1 2 1 }
{ \key g \major \time 4/4 \tempo "Some text" 4=120 s1 \time 2/4 s2 \time 4/4 s1}
   >> }
   \score {
     \new Staff { b'1 2 1 }
     \layout {
       \context {
         \editionID E

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