On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 17:52 +1200, Aidan Gauland wrote:
> I am unable to connect to my mobile phone from my netbook over
> Bluetooth.  Here is what I tried...
> $ sudo hcitool scan
> Scanning ...
>         [MAC address]  [mobile phone model]
> $ sudo l2ping [MAC address]
> [many pings responded to]
> $ sudo sdptool browse [MAC address]
> [got channel number from here]
> $ sudo rfcomm bind 0 [MAC address]
> $ sudo rfcomm connect 0 [MAC address] 8 [Got '8' from the output of
> sdptool]
> Then my phone rings and prompts me for a "pass code".  I have no idea
> what it expects, as I have never set a "pass code" on either my
> netbook or phone.  I tried 0000, which causes the phone to display the
> message "Verifying pass code..." (on which it hangs) and rfcomm to
> exit with the error message "Can't connect RFCOMM socket: Connection
> refused".  If I press random buttons on my phone for a while, it
> finally says "Invalid password".  (They can't even be consistent with
> their software's messages.)  It's a Telecom R100, if that helps.

From what I remember, there were a few inconsistencies
in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf. I was playing with a Nokia E65...

options {
        autoinit yes;
        security auto;
        pairing multi;
        passkey "XXXX";

device {
        name "%h-%d";
        class 0x120104;
        iscan enable; pscan enable;
        discovto 0;
        lm accept;
        lp rswitch,hold,sniff,park;

where XXXX is the magic code you need to input of the phone. Once you're
paired, it doesn't ask again.

> Does anyone have any idea why I can not connect to my phone?
> Thanks,
> Aidan
> P.S. Thanks again to Steve for the Bluetooth dongle. :-)
I invoke pay-forward on that... (:



Steve Holdoway <st...@greengecko.co.nz>
MSN: st...@greengecko.co.nz
Skype: sholdowa

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