Script or object... ?

> Does anyone know whether Rebol has such a kind of variable: you
> initialize this variable at the first time you run the script.
> In this script, the variable will be modified to some value. If
> you run this script again, this variable will preserve the value
> it has in last run.

There are several ways to look at this.

1)  If you want persistence of private data between evaluationss
    of a function (without reloading the function from a file)
    then the technique posted by mjelinek will do that.

2)  If you want persistence of data (independent of function
    associations, and without reloading from a file) then the
    technique posted by doug.vos will do that.

3)  If you want persistence of state for some "concept" (without
    reloading from a file, and with the option of multiple
    functions being privy to that state) then you've just stumbled
    over the canonical rationale for object-oriented programming.
    For example:

        REBOL []
        statefulthing: make object! [
            val: 0
            set: func [n [integer!]] [val: n]
            get: func [] [val]
            inc: func [] [val: val + 1]
            dec: func [] [val: val - 1]

    used as in

        >> statefulthing/get
        == 0
        >> statefulthing/inc
        == 1
        >> statefulthing/inc
        == 2
        >> statefulthing/get
        == 2
        >> statefulthing/set 27
        == 27
        >> statefulthing/dec
        == 26

    and so on.

4)  If you like the tidyness of the above, but want persistence
    between REBOL sessions, you can do the following:

        >> statefulthing/get
        == 26

    (Just to show current state...)

        >> save/header %statefulthing.r statefulthing []

    Now the state is safely stashed in a file.

        >> statefulthing: "simulate stopping and restarting REBOL"
        == "simulate stopping and restarting REBOL"
        >> statefulthing: none
        == none

    (Just to show that the state is no longer "in" that word.)

        >> statefulthing: do %statefulthing.r

    Get it back!

        >> statefulthing/inc
        == 27

5)  If you want persistence of data and you really do mean "script"
    and you really do want to reload the script from a file between
    usages (and don't mind getting REALLY obscure!) you can do this:

        REBOL []

        staticvar: none

        somefunction: func [s [string!]] [
           either found? staticvar [
               print rejoin [{staticvar was "} staticvar {"}]
               print {staticvar had no value}
           staticvar: s
           print rejoin [{staticvar is now "} staticvar {"}]
           write %static.r {REBOL []^/^/}
           write/append %static.r
               rejoin [{staticvar: "} staticvar {"^/^/}]
           write/append %static.r
               rejoin [{somefunction: } mold get 'somefunction {^/}]

    (in a file named static.r, of course!)  Now use it as ...

        >> do %static.r
        >> somefunction "Hello"
        staticvar had no value
        staticvar is now "Hello"
        >> somefunction "world!"
        staticvar was "Hello"
        staticvar is now "world!"
        >> somefunction "still in memory"
        staticvar was "world!"
        staticvar is now "still in memory"

    In-memory persistence is accomplished, as staticvar is global,
    but the use of somefunction is also keeping the external (file)
    copy synched, so that

        >> somefunction: none
        == none
        >> staticvar: none
        == none

    (which simulates shutting down and restarting REBOL) can be
    followed by

        >> do %static.r
        >> somefunction "I'm back!"
        staticvar was "still in memory"
        staticvar is now "I'm back!"

As me auld granny sed, "There's more than one way to skin a cat!"


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