Smug theorizers are supporting their crimes through
naiveness and inaction, unaware of what is really
going on in the world, trapped in the lies of corrupt
mass media, unconcerned with the slavery and
starvation of billions of human beings.

To awake to these facts and to step out from this
net of corruption is our last hope.

September 14, 2001
What Became of Tolerance in Islam?
By KHALED ABOU EL FADL, Khaled Abou El Fadl, acting professor at UCLA Law 


[In Islamic law, terrorism (hirabah) is considered cowardly, predatory and a 
grand sin punishable by death. Classical Islamic law explicitly prohibits 
the taking or slaying of hostages or diplomats even in retaliation against 
unlawful acts by the enemy. Furthermore, it prohibits stealth or 
indiscriminate attacks against enemies, Muslim or non-Muslim. One can even 
say that classical jurists considered such acts to be contrary to the ethics 
of Arab chivalry and therefore fundamentally cowardly.

All of this begs the question: What happened to the civilization that 
produced such tolerance, knowledge and beauty throughout its history? A lot 
has happened. The Islamic civilization has been wiped out by an aggressive 
and racist European civilization. Colonialism and the expulsion of 
Palestinians happened. Numerous massacres against and by Muslims happened. 
Despotic and exploitative regimes have taken power in nearly every Muslim 
country. Most important, however, a dogmatic, puritanical and ethically 
oblivious form of Islam has predominated since the 1970s. This brand of 
Islamic theology is largely dismissive of the classical juristic tradition 
and of any notion of universal and innate moral values. This orientation 
insists that only the mechanics and technicalities of Islamic law define 
morality. Paradoxically, it also rejects the classical juristic tradition 
and insists on a literal reinterpretation of all Islamic texts.

The extreme form of this puritanical Islam does not represent most Muslims 
today. But there are two ways in which contemporary Muslim culture, Arab or 
non-Arab, inadvertently feeds these extreme trends. First, since the fall of 
the Ottoman Empire and the onslaught of colonialism, Islamic intellectuals 
have busied themselves with the task of "defending Islam" by rampant 
apologetics. This produced a culture that eschews self-critical and 
introspective insight and embraces projection of blame and a fantasy-like 
level of confidence and arrogance. Second, Muslims got into the habit of 
paying homage to the presumed superiority of the Islamic tradition but 
marginalize this idealistic image in everyday life.

Muslim intellectuals justified hijacking airplanes and taking hostages. 
Terrorist attacks such as the 1976 Entebbe operation or the 1972 killing of 
Israeli Olympic athletes were justified on purely pragmatic grounds: How 
else are we to fight Israeli arrogance and belligerence?

The reality of contemporary Muslims is unfortunate. Easy oil money, easy 
apologetics, easy puritanism, easy appeals to the logic of necessity have 
all but obliterated the incentive for introspection and critical insight.]


July 17, 2001. A readerīs review on "Culture and Imperialism" (by E. Said)

[Before E. Said can legitimately condemn Western "domination" of other 
cultures, he ought to thoroughly examine the ills inflicted by Pan-Arabism 
and Islam on non-Arabs and non-Muslims throughout the Middle East and world. 
As mentioned by others, Arabs have subjugated--or all but 
eliminated--Egypt's Coptic Christians, Algeria and Morocco's Berbers, 
Sudan's southern Christians, Lebanese Christians and Iraqi Kurds. Then there 
are the Turkish Armenians. Sudan's Arab government actively pursues genocide 
and enslavement of Southern Sudan's Black Christians. Meanwhile, the Taliban 
have imposed Hitlerian restraints on Afghanistan's women and Hindu minority. 
In Indonesia, Muslims are willfully murdering thousands of Christians.

Syrian society reviles the idea of peace with the Jewish people, exhorting 
all children to fight, kill and seek death, with the promise of both 
material reward for their families and eternal happiness in paradise. School 
texts inciting racial hatred, religious intolerance and, outright genocide 
to him seem emblematic of a "fundamentalist rejectionism," "older than the 
[Israeli] settlements, older than the state of Israel," reflecting the 
spirit of Jerusalem Grand Mufti Hajj Amin el-Husseini, who during World War 
II fled to Berlin, blessing Muslim SS arms and "begging Himmler to let him 
handle his own version of the final solution in Palestine against the Jewish 
settlers in Haifa, Jaffa and Tel-Aviv."

The constitution of Fateh--the PLO's "national, revolutionary" military 
wing-- invokes the vision of a Pan-Arab "nation" which would coincidentally 
eradicate Zionism, Israel and the Jewish people there. A Friday June 6 
sermon broadcast live by the PA called for the enslavement of Israel's 5 
million Jewish people as Dhimmis. "We welcome the Jews to live as Dhimmis, 
but the rule in this land and in all the Muslim countries must be the rule 
of Allah."

In this vein, the Arafat-appointed Jerusalem Mufti on June 29 incited 
Muslims to prepare "armies to fight the Jews and to remove Israel from 
Existence" and called for an Islamic Khilafah State, just as he has done in 
myriad Al Aksa Friday sermons for more than a year.]

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