On Mon, 19 Sep 2011, David Christensen wrote:

> I would prefer to enable/ disable TraceApp based on $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}
> rather than doing all the work and throwing non- hits down
> /dev/null, but I couldn't figure out how to implement this idea.

Hi David,

you can use Log4perl's custom filters. If you add

     log4perl.filter.MyFilter = sub { $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} eq '' }
     log4perl.appender.TraceApp.Filter = MyFilter

to your configuration, it'll suppress all messages to the appender that
aren't from your test client.

The Log::Log4perl::Filter manpage explains their use in detail.

Hope that helps!

-- Mike

Mike Schilli

> log4perl-devel:
> I'm working on a web application and would like to log TRACE priority
> messages related to hits from my development machine (IP address
>  This is the relevant portion of my configuration file:
>     2011-09-19 12:31:51 dpchrist@p43400e ~
>     $ grep TraceApp perl-src/50-Dpchrist-CMS/demo/conf/log4perl.conf
>     log4perl.logger = TRACE, InfoApp, TraceApp
>     log4perl.appender.TraceApp = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
>     log4perl.appender.TraceApp.filename = sub { $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} eq
> '' ? $Mysite::CONF{-log_dir} . '/trace.log' : '/dev/null' }
>     log4perl.appender.TraceApp.mode = append
>     log4perl.appender.TraceApp.layout = PatternLayout
>     log4perl.appender.TraceApp.layout.ConversionPattern =
> %d{yyyyMMdd-HHmmss.SSS} %p %M (%F{1} %L) %m{chomp}%n
>     log4perl.appender.TraceApp.Threshold = TRACE

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