
  Almost a year ago the Saturn Times Web Start news
blog reported on ClassWorlds with a story titled
"Alternative Corner: All-In-One Self-Executing
ClassWorlds Überjar" introducing Bob McWhirter's (of
Jaxen fame) and Jason van Zyl's (of Velocity and Maven
fame) Apache-licensed app launcher. 
  In the story I wrote:

  In contrast to Web Start ClassWorlds lets you
specify all your apps jars required for startup using
a plain-text config file thus sidestepping any XML
parser configuration conflicts and shrinking the
bootstrap loader to fit into a rice corn.

   Now many moons have passed and ClassWorlds has
reached 1.0 sometime this fall and with today's Groovy
Beta 1 release you can now dissect real-world
ClassWorlds startup scripts and see ClassWorlds in
action on your very own desktop by kicking off the
Groovy shell or compiler, for example.

   For a quick sampling, here's the Groovy Shell
startup script:

# The main entry-point
main is groovy.lang.GroovyShell from groovy

# The core Groovy class-realm
    # Allow access to resources
    load ${groovy.home}/conf
    # Load required libraries
    load ${groovy.home}/lib/*.jar

   And to make it two, here's the Groovy Compiler
startup script:

# The main entry-point
main is org.codehaus.groovy.tools.FileSystemCompiler
from groovy

# The core Groovy class-realm
    # Allow access to resources
    load ${groovy.home}/conf
    # Load required libraries
    load ${groovy.home}/lib/*.jar

   Full story @ http://classworlds.codehaus.org and

   - Gerald  

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