Le 23/10/2016 à 13:27, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a écrit :
Le 22/10/2016 à 22:36, Guillaume Munch a écrit :
I know that this is not really followed in LyX currently but I suggest
to write "Q_EMIT titleChanged(this)" instead. This is meant to warn the
reader that something they do not expect can happen. (And similarly
whenever a signal is emitted.) The keyword is usually "emit" but Qt
keywords are disabled in LyX for some reason.

It should be Qt's job to enforce this.

Yes, so much more could and should be checked by the compilers!

I cannot look up each and every
method in frontends/qt4 to see whether it is a signal or not.

Neither can the reader. If you happen to know that it is a signal, it is
an appreciated effort of documentation.

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