Le 23/10/2016 à 13:18, Guillaume Munch a écrit :

< \textrm{created with \textbf{\textbackslash frac}} &  &
\textrm{created with \textbf{\textbackslash cfrac}}\\
\textrm{created with \textbf{⧵frac}} &  & \textrm{created with

As I understand, Günter fixed this at 6ff89c4b9 (I missed it before,
sorry). I am still curious for the questions below, if anybody knows.

Also, and more importantly, this shows that some changes to
lib/[unicode]symbols are in fact file format changes. Is it expected in
this case? Is it easy to see which kind of changes to these files are
file-format-changing and which ones are not?

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