El 10.05.2017 a las 08:21, Kornel Benko escribió:

in my build script I have now

set LYX_BUILD=D:\LyXGit\Master\compile-2015
cmake %LYX_SOURCE% -G"Visual Studio 14 2015" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="test"

with this I get now in the CMakeCache.txt

//Used Qt version

instead of

//Used Qt version

So the bug is that CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH always starts with LYX_BUILD. But I
need an empty value.

Cmake specifies the variable by default to be empty.

This is not the case. As I wrote, it is by default not empty but the content of LYX_BUILD. It is only empty if I don't specify CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. But then I get of course the error that CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH must be specified.

What you probably want to set is CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH (Path where the 
program qmake.exe (from QT5) will be found)

This does not work because then CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is not set and get an error about this:
"Add the installation prefix of "Qt5Core" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH"
So I must be able to set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in a batch file but cannot because of the described bug.

Have you also had the time to look for the console issue?

thanks and regards

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