Dear Jean-Marc and Uwe, dear LyX developers,

On 2017-05-12, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:


>>     This commit replaces the string math_number_before by a proper
>>     math_number enum.

>>     Note that the _before naming was misleading. It was chosen at a time
>>     when we were not sure whether leqno was always left or could be right
>>     in RtL documents.

>>     Note that the token in LyX document is still \math_number_before and
>>     this should be changed.

Note that "math_number" is also misleading: the variable determines the
*placement* of the equation number (left/default/right).
Especially in connection with "math", the term "number" implies something
quite different from a layout setting.

I suggest naming buffer setting and variable "equation_number_position".

(I can also (reluctantly) agree to "formula_number_position", but
"math_number" is too vague --- there are numbers anywhere in mathematics..)

Therefore, I'd ask Uwe to 

> replace
>    \math_number_before true/false/default
> with

     \equation_number_position left/right/default


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