Am 16.02.2016 um 10:37 schrieb Andrew Parsloe:

The math manual, section 19.3,...

Hi Andrew,

this is something for the lyx-docs list.

gives a method for numbering and
referencing subnumbered equations so that although the equations are
numbered, e.g., (1a), (1b), (1c), it is possible to reference them
collectively, e.g. as the equations (1) (without the a, b, c).  The
method seems "messy".

I am confused because I wanted to show how to reference the equations correctly, meaning as (1a), (1b), (1c). If you want to omit the subnumbering you can do this but this won't be part of Math.lyx since it is the idea of the subnumbering to get the a, b, c.

regards Uwe

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