Am 24.06.2016 um 01:14 schrieb Uwe Stöhr:

I will try to have a look at your changes the next days.

Dear Colin,

I had a look and only accepted minor changes. You are right that the styles for the header/footer are actually environments.

Your changed description for headers/footers with several text lines is not correct. You proposed to use the page margin settings of LyX's document settings. This does not help since the fancyhdr package is independent of the geometry package in this regards. There is no other solution than to redefine the height as I described. Attached is an example file demonstrating this.

Please don't see this as offense. Maybe I only misunderstood your description and there is actually a solution using the geometry package. If so, can you please send me a small LyX file demonstrating this?

thanks and regards

Attachment: newfile1.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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