It would appear that on Aug 31, Scott Kostyshak did say:

> Hi Joe,
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 05:22:43PM -0400, Joe Philbrook wrote:
> > 
> > Hi, First let me say I'm addicted to LyX for composing almost anything I 
> > care about.
> > It helps keep me from fat fingering multiple spaces between words etc... 
> > And lets me set screen
> > font sizes I can see without my reading glasses even when the targeted 
> > output font sizes are
> > too small for my eyes WITH the glasses... The list goes on and on... Thanks!
> Thanks for the kind feedback!

Your most welcome.


> > When I use the spellchecker in LyX and the word I'm looking for is in the 
> > sUggestions list I'm
> > very happy cause there is no conflict for the {alt}+{u} shortcut that lets 
> > me use the cursor
> > keys to select it and {Enter} to apply the spelling correction.
> > 
> > But if I need to tell it to ignore an instance where a character in a story 
> > is being quoted as
> > saying something not in the dictionary lists {Think Homer Simpson saying 
> > "Doh"} That I may want
> > to Ignore. Or perhaps I wanted to use an unusual word such as hisself 
> > instead of himself
> > because it's "In character" for the character being quoted and wish to aDd 
> > it to my word list.
> > And while I never use it, the same problem exists for the "Find next" 
> > button.
> > So I was hoping there was a way to selectively change the keybindings on 
> > those buttons to
> > something that doesn't conflict with the menu bar bindings.


> If I understand correctly, there is no way to customize the buttons from
> user text files. But the changes you suggest seem useful more generally
> so perhaps we could incorporate them into LyX by default.
> You could make a request for us to make changes at
> If you have multiple suggestions, please make separate trac tickets
> (although feel free to reference each other).

OK, This would be worth the effort. Hopefully I can write such a request clearly

Though I'm not sure if you mean incorporate different "preset shortcuts" for 
buttons, or to incorporate a method for the user to select the shortcuts they 
Those users who would find this most useful would be the ones who, for one 
reason or
another, avoid using the mouse. They, like me, would tend to collect a lot of
personal keyboard shortcuts. And it would be nice to know that I could keep the 
new ones
from conflicting with any of the "global" keybindings in my 

Though admittedly, in my case, if they consist of just {alt}+{almost any single 
I wouldn't have such a conflict because most of my global shortcuts require at 
two modifier keys.

It also occurs to me that there might be a way to simply cause those 
button's keybindings to preempt the ones in the menu bar while the spellchecker 
active. Not being a programmer {aside from bash scripts} I wouldn't know which 
those three possible fixes is more practical to implement.

Nor am I certain that three different suggested solutions to the SAME problem 
require three separate trac tickets??

Also I'd like to think that it would be OK to put all three of the affected 
buttons on the same ticket??

Please tell me that I'm not looking at (3 x 3 = 9) nine trac tickets here...

   Joe Philbrook   (:-0%

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