Am Donnerstag, den 13.10.2016, 11:18 -0400 schrieb Maria Gouskova:
> Hi all,
> So in the Linguistics module, two numbering environments are
> available: consecutive and multiline numbering. Ever since upgrading
> to 2.2.1, I'm having trouble entering multiple consecutive numbering
> examples--the next line is not numbered, so they all behave sort of
> like multiline until a different environment is introduced between
> two examples. That wasn't a problem in older versions (see http://wik
> Used to be:
> (1) example (consec)
> (2) example (consec)
> (1) example (multiline)
>      example (multiline cont'd)
> Now (2.2.1):
> (1) example (consec)
>      example (consec still)
> I know that there is a covington issue in 2.2.1 but have the updated
> version of covington.sty, 1.2, so is this something else? Or have
> there been changes in how this environment works in 2.2x?

The linguistics module did not change in this regard, but the way
labels are displayed with the layout format that is used here has.

I am not sure if the current format can be restored with current means,
but I'll check how it can be improved.


> Maria

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