On Sat, 18 Mar 2017 15:19:19 +0000 (UTC)
Guenter Milde <mi...@users.sf.net> wrote:

> > after upgrading LyX from version 2.1.4 to 2.2.2, paragraphs in a
> > 2.1-document are no longer recognized. 
> Does this mean several paragraphs are
No, nothing of the content seems to be missing, except the linebreaks ending 
one paragraph and starting the next one.
> * missing in the GUI / in the output
Only in the output. In the GUI everything looks as it should, except for 
pagebreak/ newpage markers. But that's probably a minor problem and can be 
fixed via "View".
> * merged into one in the GUI / output
Only in the output. The whole text appears in one single paragraph.
> Does the same unwanted effect happen with a new document?
I'm unable to tell, because in want to have a working application I downgraded 
back to the earlier version of LyX.
> Does it affect more than one document?
See above.

Since the effect only appears in the output I fancy the failure might lay in 
changes in the way LyX reads and interprets layouts. I've attached the layout 
file in question to this message. 

> > How can I convince the new and probably much better LyX to recognize
> > again what it once did?
> This, we may tell if you provide a *minimal* example - i.e. the smallest
> possible excerpt that produces the unwanted effect.
> Günter

The world is such a nasty place to be.
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
# \DeclareLaTeXClass[book]{book (Keuchhusten)}

Format 35

  PageStyle             plain

# basic definitions, adopted from stdclass.inc -
# however, that include calls too many other inc's
# we won't need.

Columns                 1
Sides                   1       # change me!
SecNumDepth             1
TocDepth                1
DefaultStyle            Standard

  Family                Roman
  Series                Medium
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  Size                  Normal
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Style Standard
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  HTMLStyle             div.standard {
                            margin-bottom: 0px;

Style StandardFirst
  CopyStyle             Standard
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Style Poem_(Verse)
  CopyStyle             Standard
  ParIndent             MMMM
  Align                 Left
  AlignPossible         Left

Style Poem_(Stanza)
  CopyStyle             StandardFirst
  ParIndent             MMMM
  Align                 Left
  AlignPossible         Left

# the same, now from stdlayouts.inc - we could as
# well CopyStyle from Quotation, but then we'd have
# to live with an element in the dropdown menu we
# don't need. hence, for the sake of perfection, 
# we go on foot.

Style Letter_handwritten
  Category              MainText
  Margin                Static
  LatexType             Environment
  LatexName             quotation
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  AlignPossible         Left, Right
  HTMLTag               blockquote
  HTMLItem              div

Style Letter_typed
  CopyStyle             Letter_handwritten
    Family              Typewriter
    Shape               Up

# modifications to existing definitions
# -------------------------------------------------
Input stdtitle.inc

Style Title
    Size                huge
    Series              bold

NoStyle Date
# end stdtitle.inc

# -------------------------------------------------
Input stdcounters.inc

Counter chapter
  LabelString           "\Roman{chapter}"
# end stdcounters.inc

# -------------------------------------------------
Input stdsections.inc

NoStyle Subparagraph
NoStyle Paragraph
NoStyle Subsubsection
NoStyle Subsection
NoStyle Section
NoStyle Part

Style Chapter
  LatexType             Command
  LatexName             mychapter
  LabelType             Counter
  LabelCounter          chapter
  LabelString           "\thechapter"
  Align                 center
  AlignPossible         center
  KeepEmpty             1
  NeedProtect           1
                                \clearpage\vspace*{50 pt}
                                \begin{center} {\huge\bfseries\Roman{chapter}} 
                                \vspace{50 pt}
# end stdsections.inc

# -------------------------------------------------
# end modifications

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