On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 2:55 PM, Paul A. Rubin <parubi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know if there's a module for this, but it's not hard to do. The
> first key is that you'll want the display mode math in a Standard, rather
> then Itemize (or Enumerate), environment to get it to center properly.
> As to what comes next, if it's the last thing in the last item, just
> soldier on. If it's the last thing in what is not the last item, just start
> a new Itemize environment. Where it gets interesting is if the math is in
> the middle of an item. In that case, get out of the item and into a
> standard environment, do the math, and then to resume the item start a new
> Itemize environment, do Insert > Custom Item, and leave the Custom Item
> inset empty (which suppresses the unwanted bullet). I've attached a small
> example.
> For math in the middle of an enumeration, the story is almost the same,
> the difference being that you will need to load the Beamer Resumable
> Enumerate module and use an Enumerate-Resume environment after itemize with
> the custom inset to resume enumerating with the next number.
> If this is a frequent issue, you might consider writing either a module or
> a macro for it (unless, of course, one already exists).

Thank you for your explanation and worked example (I really appreciate it
when people take the time to demonstrate a fix).  A minor complaint (and
why I didn't go this route originally), the vertical spacing before/after
the second equation is not consistent because of going between "standard"
and "itemize".  It's subtle, but is there a known fix?  I'm reluctant to
get into playing with hard-coded spacings in the preamble, but I'm willing
to if that's what it takes.

Once these types of items are hammered out, I'll create a submodule (and
will submit it to be considered for inclusion in future versions).

Thanks again (for this and your help to others that is very useful to learn

Best regards,

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