2017-05-10 10:23 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann <engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de>:

> I see. I changed the \frontmatter ERT to standard, as you said.
> It works also, if I put the frontmatter ERT in the lowertitleback
> paragraph without a line break, or alternatively, with a ctrl linebreak.
> Same, if the lowertitleback consists of two paragraphs: works with a ctrl
> linebreak.

Sure, but this is still _one_ paragraph.

> There is another question: In the lowertitleback paragraph is a
> \pageref{LastPage}in ERT, which should tell the number of pages of the
> document. This worked for me in the 2.2.0 version, but now there is a ?
> instead.

You miss


in the preamble.


> Thanks, Wolfgang

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