I am trying to load a custom LyX layout file but I get the following
error when I try to set the Document Class for the document.  I have
reconfigured many times and restarted LyX many time.  The error message
reads as follows.  Is there a way to determine why exactly LyX is
complaining about the layout file?


Log messages:

19:48:56.710: Opening document ~\Documents\Projects\MyProjects\Test\My
Test File v20170521.lyx...

19:48:56.754: The process failed to start. Either the invoked program is
missing, or you may have insufficient permissions to invoke the
program.D:\LyXGit\LyX22\src\support\Systemcall.cpp (260): Systemcall:
'git ls-files "My Test File v20170521.lyx"' did not start!

D:\LyXGit\LyX22\src\support\Systemcall.cpp (261): error The process
failed to start. Either the invoked program is missing, or you may have
insufficient permissions to invoke the program.

D:\LyXGit\LyX22\src\TextClass.cpp (345): Unable to convert
C:/Users/Ken/AppData/Roaming/LyX2.2/layouts/lknote_test.layout to format 60

Error reading `~\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.2\layouts\lknote_test.layout'

(Check `lknote_test')

Check your installation and try Options/Reconfigure...

Error: Could not load class


Due to some error in it, the layout file:


could not be loaded. A default textclass with default

layouts will be used. LyX will not be able to produce

correct output.

19:48:58.746: Document ~\Documents\Projects\MyProjects\Test\My Test File
v20170521.lyx opened.

19:48:58.751: (file-open
C:/Users/Ken/Documents/Projects/MyProjects/Test/My Test File v20170521.lyx)

I have created a minimal layout file as follows which causes the error

#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[lknote_test,scheme_main.sty]{LK Note Test}
#  \DeclareCategory{LKNote}
# Input general definitions
Input stdclass.inc

Format 49
    Other        devel



Style Watermark
    Margin                Dynamic
    LatexType             Command
    Category              FrontMatter
    InTitle               0
    #InPreamble            1
    LatexName             Rwatermark
    LabelSep              xxx
    LabelType             Static
    LabelString           "Watermark: "
    ParSkip               0.0
    TopSep                0.0
    BottomSep             0.0
    ParSep                0.0
    Align                 Left
    LabelType             Left
      Size                small
      Color               red

Style Subtitle
    Margin                Static
    LatexType             Command
    Category              FrontMatter
    InTitle               0
    InPreamble            1
    LatexName             LKNoteSetSubtitle
    ParSkip               0.4
    ItemSep               0
    TopSep                0.4
    BottomSep             0.4
    ParSep                0.4
    Align                 Center
    LabelType             No_Label
    LabelString           "Subtitle"
      Color               black
      Size                Larger
    HTMLTag               h1
    HTMLTitle             true

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