​Lyx development group​

I have an issue with LyX editor.

But I want to know how to notify and where to post it

It's referent to menus. When I​ c​lick​ to an item, for example preferences
of LyX (
ools --> Preferences), and close the window of preference after
configuring, appear like a phantom in the screen (See the image attached to
this email)
​ and this "phantom" doesn't disappear from the screen.​

​I think is not necessary to install qt before installing Lyx, I don't know
what happen.​

I installed the software on a Distro Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa 64 bits, and the
version of TexLive is: 2017. The version of Lyx is: 2.2.2

Regards and waitting for your response. Thanks in advance.

Alejandro Peralta Alzate
Electronic Engineering - M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering
PhD Candidate - Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering - UAB​

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