On Mon, 2009-12-14 at 23:32 +0100, Thomas Waelti wrote:
> Can anybody tell how an app can intercept the camera slider opening
> event, so that it does NOT call the default camera app?

Sadly, currently the only way to stop the default camera app for getting
such events would be to actually stop the camera app as I think it gets
the lens cover status from HAL (and I suppose you will not stop the HAL
service for that ;) ).

The easiest way right now would be to run the command (as root, I
$ dsmetool -k /usr/bin/camera-ui

Once you are done, you can start the camera app again with:
$ dsmetool -t /usr/bin/camera-ui

I hope this helps.

Andrés Gómez García
Computer Science Engineer
Telf:  +34 981 91 39 91
Fax:   +34 981 91 39 49
IGALIA, S.L. http://www.igalia.com

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