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On 2017-01-11 20:16, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

By Kim Moody


While addressing a number of angles explaining the election outcome, the first part of this article does a good job in debunking the importance of the supposed white working class shift to Trump:

"The media story in the days following the 2016 election was that a huge defection of angry, white, blue-collar workers in the Rust Belt from their traditional Democratic voting patterns put Donald J. Trump in the White House in a grand slap at the nation’s “liberal” elite. But is that the real story?"

Arguing along the same lines (but with a somewhat different motivation), I read a very thorough analysis of the election results and the white working class by Andrew Flood of the anarchist Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland) at:


His conclusions are aimed against certain economist currents that would draw incorrect lessons from the misperception that both articles challenge, as suggested in the following excerpt:

"Fundamentally the position advanced by the nostalgic left that we have to focus on the concerns of ‘the neglected white working class’ has to be rejected. It has to be rejected because it is factually wrong but it also has to be rejected because it in no way can build class solidarity when it’s historic role is to destroy it. Focusing on the particular grievances of white workers is how the capitalist class created and maintained working class divisions."

- Jeff
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