Dear all,

We have been thinking to split up the lipstick based home screen into separate processes. Currently a crash in one of the components will bring the whole stack down. Also currently QPA Wayland plugin does not seem to be able to reconnect to compositor after a crash and thus applications and home application need to be restarted.

The components would be:
- Compositor process: Wayland compositor tasks and interacting with other system components
- Home process: Desktop and the applications menu
- Task switcher: separate application that can switch between tasks
- Lock screen: handles the lock screen

The home process, task switcher and lock screen are handled as special applications by the compositor. The special applications have a different rules what comes to window ordering etc compared to normal applications.

The lipstick library would be also be splitted into two parts. One that handles the home screen related functionality and one that handles compositor related functionality. The base lipstick would look same as it did before wayland transition. It can be then used to implement home screen related functionality in any application in the system.

We are currently evaluating this and hoping to get comments on design. It would be interesting to know whether this kind of design would be beneficial also for someone else and whether there are some cases it would fit or not fit.

With Best Regards,
 -- Mikko Hurskainen

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