227-digit SNFS factorization
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The factorization of the smallest composite Mersenne number without
known factor, M751 = 2^751 -1 = N, was completed on January 22, 2002,
using the Special Number Field Sieve (SNFS).  The sieving was primarily
done at CWI, at Lehigh University, the Institute for Pure Math, Bonn
University and the Institute for Applied Math, Bonn University;
with additional contributions from Arjen Lenstra, Citicorp and Paul Leyland,
Microsoft Research.  Two notable features as compared to previous large
collaborative SNFS factorizations are the use of three distinct sievers
(rather than two;  the new addition being Jens Franke's lattice siever
with rational special primes q) and further exploration of the fast linear
algebra provided by parallel Lanczos on the SARA Computing Center's Origin
3800 (an upgrade of the previous standard; our previous program used a
single CPU of the 12-processor Cray C90).

A Table of current factorization dates is given below. This is the 3rd
(200+)-digit SNFS factorization done subsequent to the factorization
of RSA-512 (ftp://ftp.cwi.nl/pub/herman/GNFSrecords/GNFS-512).
First, we found three prime factors from the 227-digit composite cofactor
(2^773+1)/(3*533371), the smallest having 55-digits.
Next was M727 = 2^727-1, which we found to have just two prime factors, the
smallest with 98-digits (cf. Peter Montgomery's post, for example at


taken from the Mersenne archive).  The present factorization, of the
just slightly smaller 227-digit M751 = 2^751-1, is

c227 = p1.p2.p3

p1 = 22764024512532445092774588186840266769462045797638178267254980648\
     (66 digits)

p2 = 64935003199370114500077042183338517573218246028593057485230891498
     (67 digits)

p3 = 80130680840326532624075176541872828138563939790501465580817976318\
     (94 digits)

TABLE of Factorization Dates:

Number     2,773+   10,211- 2,727-  2,751- RSA-140 RSA-155a RSA-155b RSA-158
Factored by                                 Cabal   Cabal   Granlund Franke
                                                             et al.  et al.
Method      SNFS      SNFS    SNFS   SNFS   GNFS    GNFS     GNFS    GNFS
#decimals   233       211     219    227    140     155      155     158
p sizes   55,71,102 93,118  98,122 66,67,94 70,70   78,78    78,78   73,86
Factored    Nov       Apr     Aug    Jan    Feb     Aug      Oct     Jan
in          2000      1999    2001   2000   1999    1999     2000    2002

For 2,751- we used the two polynomials

            f(X) = 2X^6 - 1
            g(X) = X - 2^125

with common root m = 2^125 (mod N).

All relations used had large primes bounded by 10^9 (although some
relations were found by sieving with a bound of 4*10^8).  The relations
found at CWI used large memory line-sieving jobs, with factor base bounds
of 110M.  Lattice sieving with algebraic special-q was done by Dodson,
Lenstra and Leyland, with factor base bounds 16.7M.  (These relations
are referred to below as "Dodson"'s.)  Lattice sieving with rational
special-q was done by Franke (who acknowledges the contribution of computing
time from members of the scientific computing department at Bonn and useful
suggestions by T. Kleinjung for improving the siever code).  Franke's
initial relations were found with a small sieving region and factor bases;
but most were found with a sieving region of 16385x8192 (similar to the
region used on the algebraic side), and factor base bounds 32M.

Use of three sievers introduces additional opportunity for a single
relation to be found more than once, which complicates both reliably
determining when sieving is complete and evaluating the relative
performance of the sievers.  We describe the numbers of relations
found so as to clarify this point.  First, line sieving produces no
self-duplicates, and CWI's total of 24.058 million relations were all
distinct.  Dodson's relations were filtered at Lehigh to remove duplicates
(which occur when a single relation occurs with more than one algebraic
special-q in the range of q's that were sieved), with 32.500 million
distinct relations. Franke still had data from the recent GNFS 158-digit
record occupying disk space, and sent most of his raw data by mail to CWI,
on 3 CD's. After removing duplicates (with more than one rational special-q)
Franke had 44.442 million distinct relations.  We analyzed duplications
among these three sets of relations, corresponding to the three sieving
programs, a total of 101 million relations.
There were a total of 84.314 million distinct relations, which occurred
as follows:

       13.361 M by CWI only
       24.408 M by Dodson only
       30.928 M by Franke only
        2.100 M by both CWI and Dodson
        7.523 M by both CWI and Franke
        4.917 M by both Dodson and Franke
        1.073 M by all three sieving programs
       84.314 M total distinct (exact values available from Peter,
                                there was a perfect match in the counts)

which turns out to have been about 10% more than we needed, allowing
additional heavy rows to be removed (in the filtering step) before starting
the matrix.  We observe that, in this instance, Franke's relations
(rational q's) duplicated CWI's (line sieving) more than Dodson's
(algebraic q's);  a phenomenon that may be explained by the small sieving
region used to find the initial c. 20% of the relations.

A filter program [Stefania Cavallar, Strategies in filtering in the number
field sieve, pp. 209-231 in: Wieb Bosma (Ed.), Algorithmic Number Theory
(4th International Symposium, ANTS-IV, Leiden, The Netherlands, July 2000),
LNCS # 1838, Berlin, Springer, 2000] transformed the 84.3M relations into
5.1 million sets, with 4.9 million ideals of norm > 2 million appearing
somewhere with odd exponents.  These sets had a combined 28.0 million
relations (some appearing in multiple sets), with at most 13 relations per
set.  After appending extra columns for free relations and extra rows for
prime ideals < 2 million (but above 180), the matrix had 5165790 rows and
5185901 columns with 359525164 1's, 69 entries/row.

The Block Lanczos program took 64 hours elapsed time on 25 processors, as
compared to 25 hours on 25 processors for the M727-matrix. The processors
are 500 MHz MIPS R14000.  Total calendar time for processing the sieving
data and getting the factorization, after its arrival at CWI, was under two

We ran two concurrent copies of the square root program on CWI's
32-processor Origin 2000, each copy using one processor.
The first copy got a trivial factorization on its first dependency, later
finding the p66 on its second dependency and p67 on its third dependency.
This copy took 10.5 hours/dependency plus 3.6 hours for quadratic
character tests (35 hours overall).
The second copy, which took only 6.1 hours/dependency due to a different
tuning parameter, found the p94 three times before the first copy had found
the p66. Later the second copy found p94 a fourth time, followed by a
trivial factorization and finally p66 (40 hours overall).

* P +-1 factors




We thank the Dutch National Computing Facilities Foundation NCF for
providing access to the SGI Origin 3800 at SARA (the Academic Computing
Centre Amsterdam); Lehigh University for use of SGI workstations and an SGI
Origin 2000;  the Institute for Pure Mathematics, Bonn University and the
Institute for Applied Mathematics, Bonn University (especially the
Scientific Computing Department) for use of a large number of PCs.

Bruce Dodson, Lehigh University
Jens Franke, Institute for Pure Mathematics, Bonn University
Arjen K. Lenstra, Citicorp
Paul Leyland, Microsoft Research
Peter L. Montgomery, Microsoft Research and CWI
Herman te Riele, CWI
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