Dixi quod…

>>be conforming for character classes to match ASCII only. You either
>>support UTF-8 or you don't.
>For POSIX purposes, we really don’t, as we use our own routines
>The question was more whether [[:upper:]] matching [A-Z] would
>be more useful than not matching anything at all.

It will now be done that way: [[:upper:]] will match exactly the
same as [A-Z] (and only those 26 chars, even on EBCDIC). Globbing
is on octet level, not on (multibyte) character level, although I
reserve to change that for when utf8-mode is enabled later, and
for lksh (which may, or may not, eventually use the underlying
OS-provided locale functions).

Furthermore, “set -o posix” and “set -o sh” will now turn off
utf8-mode in addition to braceexpand.

This is not only better than nothing, it also fixes installation
of the Debian postfix package since its maintainer is too… unex‐
perienced… to realise that writing [A-Z] is not only shorter than
using the character classes but also less prone to locale-dependent
surprises. Thus, expect an mksh R56 coming up Really Soon Now™.

22:20⎜<asarch> The crazy that persists in his craziness becomes a master
22:21⎜<asarch> And the distance between the craziness and geniality is
only measured by the success 18:35⎜<asarch> "Psychotics are consistently
inconsistent. The essence of sanity is to be inconsistently inconsistent

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