::  As a value of 200 for BLACKSIZE showed an improvement in resampling, why
::  does is still got a value as low as 25?
Low pass, high pass and resampling code should be replaced by artefact-less
program code.

All three are currently done by code not being a LTI system, which results
in unnecessary distortions. You can see this in the spectral view of
CoolEdit Pro.

LTI stands for Linear Time Invariant. Non LTI systems are generating
additional frequencies instead of only emphasing and deemphasing

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frank Klemm
phone | +49 (3641) 64-2721    home: +49 (3641) 390545
sMail | R.-Breitscheid-Str. 43, 07747 Jena, Germany

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