> > Is there any application for this?
> >
> May be applications where an exact synchronization is necessary (video?
> duplex MP3 encoding/decoding?). I don't know. But if it is necessary it is
> hardly to fix. Otherwise we need additional 4 or 8 bytes of RAM to store
> a double or long double instead of an int (32 bit).
> I have bad experiences with the two items "time" and "premature rounding".
> Programs seemingly are working, but sometimes there are short errors. Or a
> program runs several minutes and then begins to create garbage (circular
> buffer overtake). Or a program runs very well, but the technical data (phase
> noise) increases with time. We had a function generator (1 mHz...20 MHz, 0.5
> mV...5 Veff) which was unusable for long time experiments. Using it for 1 or
> 2 hours was okay, but we need from 2...4 weeks! It takes nearly 3 months
> to circumscribe the cause of our problem.
> Question: When fs_in/fs_out is not representable by a:b with little a and b,
>   what do you like best:
>   [_]  Lame rounds fs_in in a way, so fs_in/fs_out is representable by little a:b
>   [_]  Lame have a function to resample exactly any ratio
>   [_]  both, selectable

LAME is going to only work with integer samplerates.  MP3 output must
always be an integer samplerate.  If you want to encode
from non-integer samplerate source, resample first.  

>     // WINDOW_SIZE is the width of a half of the window,
>     // so j always steps through an odd number of samples
>     //
>     for ( j = 0; j <= 2*WINDOW_SIZE; j++ ) {
>         tmp1 = ((k+j)*iNew - i*iOld) / (long double)iOld;   // overrun and PLOSS save
>         tmp2 = ((k+j)*iNew - i*iOld) / (long double)iNew;
>         sum += Coeff [j] = sinc (tmp1) * window (tmp2 * w);
>         //                 ^             ^
>         //         sinc interpolator     window function
>         //        FT of the desired FR  (small footprint of f and FT(f))
>     }
>     // Windowing the sinc interpolator changes A(f=0). This effect is
>     // also not constant for all coefficient sets. So adjust it to avoid DC
>     // and LF modulation
>     //
>     for ( j = 0; j <= 2*WINDOW_SIZE; j++ )
>         Coeff [j] /= sum;
>     }
> with:
>     long double sinc ( long double x )
>     {
>         if ( x == 0. )  return 1.;
>         if ( x <  0. )  x = -x;
>         return sinpi ( x ) / ( M_PIl * x );
>     }
>     long double window ( long double x )
>     {
>         if ( fabs (x) >= 1)  return 0.;
>         x = cospi (x);
>         return (0.16 * x + 0.50) * x + 0.34;   // using addition theorem of arc 
>     }

Thanks for the code, but it is basically the same as what
is already in LAME.  Originally I tested the window coefficients
to make sure they did sum to 1.  The error was small enough
that I ignored it.  But I took your advice and added the
normalization step.  (but in all my resample test cases, the
new window coefficients did not change the mp3 output in any way).


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