Linden Hills Neighborhood Council and Standish-Erickson Neighborhood Association lead the way by passing resolutions in favor of considering public ownership.

After a lively discussion at the December 6 board meeting, the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council voted overwhelmingly (unanimous, with one abstention) in favor of the following resolution:

"LHiNC requests that the City Council consider the following actions regarding a Citywide High Speed Information System: • initiate a feasibility study of citywide wireless, including evaluation of various ownership models, similar to that done in Saint Louis Park and other cities. • agree not to enter contract negotiations with a single bidder until such a study has been done and the results made available for public comment. • hold public meetings that include discussion of ownership before making any further decisions regarding the wireless initiative."

The resolution was included in a letter sent to newly-seated Council Member Besty Hodges, and copied to all other Council Members, on December 10. More information and a copy of the letter are available at

Just last night, December 12, Standish-Erickson Neighborhood Association also voted unanimously in favor of a resolution supporting public ownership, and a public process. A copy of the letter will be available at minneapolis.html (check out our newly redesigned web pages!)

Congratulations, and our thanks to LiHNC and SENA for their actions on this issue.

We will be presenting the case for public ownership to the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association tonight at Hennepin Center for the Arts, and Thursday at the Longfellow Community Council meeting in Longfellow Park.

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