
I've been casually learning piano for the past six months or so.  I'm
currently working on Fur Elise [1].  In my naive experience, it seems as
though a few sustains are missing in the first movement.

The original lilypond file is here [2].  I've attached a patch, below.

If I'm correct (big if :) ), I'm not sure how to do the sustainOff in
the very first measure (start of repeat).  lilypond complains that there
isn't a matching sustainOn and fails out.




diff --git a/ b/
index a1fe0aa6dc27..9878689cca35 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@
  \partial 8 r8\pp R4. a,16\sustainOn e a r16 r8\sustainOff e,16\sustainOn e 
gis r r8\sustainOff
  a,16\sustainOn e a r r8\sustainOff R4. a,16\sustainOn e a r r8\sustainOff
  e,16\sustainOn e gis r r8\sustainOff }
- \alternative { { a,16 e a r } { a,16[ e \bar "" a16] r \set 
Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment -1 8) r8 } }
+ \alternative { { a,16\sustainOn e a r } { a,16\sustainOn[ e \bar "" a16] r 
\set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment -1 8) r8\sustainOff } }
  \repeat volta 2 {
  c16\sustainOn g c' r r8\sustainOff g,16\sustainOn g b r r8\sustainOff
  a,16\sustainOn e a r r8 e,16 e e' r r \clef treble e'16[ e''] r r dis''[ e''] 
r\sustainOff r16 dis''[ e''] r r8 R4.
  \clef bass a,16\sustainOn e a r16 r8\sustainOff e,16\sustainOn e gis r 
  a,16\sustainOn e a r r8\sustainOff R4. a,16\sustainOn e a r r8\sustainOff
  e,16\sustainOn e gis r r8\sustainOff }
- \alternative { { a,16 e a r r8 } { a,16[ e a] <bes c'>[ <a c'> <g bes c'>] } }
+ \alternative { { a,16\sustainOn e a r r8\sustainOff } { a,16[ e a] <bes c'>[ 
<a c'> <g bes c'>] } }
  f16 a c' a c' a f bes d' bes d' bes f e' <f g bes> e' <f g bes> e' f a c' a 
c' a f a c' a c' a e a c' a <d d'> f
  g16 e' g e' g f' \clef treble <c' e'>8 r16 <f' g'>[ <e' g'> <d' f' g'>] <c' 
e' g'>8 \clef bass <f a>8[ <g b>]

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