[This post seems to have gotten lost.  If it posts twice, my apologies.]

How is the directory structure setup for new pieces?  I'm the new
maintainer for the Bach French Suites.  There were already several
contributions, one with a certain directory structure and one with another.
 (I'm using the GitHub pull request method.)  The structure from
*ftp/BachJS/BWVnnn*, where nnn is the opus, is well established.  After
that, one contributor used *BWV813/french-suite-3/french-suite-3-lys/* with
all the LilyPond files for all movements.  Another used
*BWV817/bwv-817-polonaise* with just one ly file in it for one movement.

Is there a preference?  The only advantage I can see for having a separate
directory for a movement is if there is more than one edition transcribed.
 Do we do multiple editions?

Knute Snortum
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