From: Egil Kvaleberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 441 Can't set system "X-Trace" header"
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 09:57:22 +0100 (MET)

> On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, you wrote:
> > I can't see why newsx is attempting to
> > post the message to my ISP's news server since I'm the only one on my
> > network and the article is not written by me.
> Basically, newsx does not care who wrote the article. For any given
> external news host, newsx will attempt to post all articles that INN
> places in its outgoing spool for that host. 
> > What is making entries
> > in /var/spool/news/out.going/SERVERNAME? other than me(gnus)?
> INN is, not gnus. Gnus will post articles to your local INN server. As an
> entirely seperate issue, INN will, for every external host name that
> appears in the "newsfeeds" file, decide what articles that should be sent
> back to that host. This decision is based on the PATH header entry. 

I'm aware of this. I just said gnus to indicate what news reader I was
using (in case of known bugs, configuration problems etc.). I'm running
newsx version 0.11 and INN 1.7.2. I has been working flawlessly since
I installed it more than a year ago. I should have expressed this in
my previous message.

> Most probably, your problem is that you have not set up the "exclude"
> part of the newsfeeds entry for the host in question correctly. From the
> example in the README it is "": 
>         acme/*,!junk*,!control*:Tf,Wf:

I have included the exclude part, but I don't exclude the junk and
control groups like you do above. Here's my entries in the newsfeeds

Like I mentioned earlier, want talk to me anymore so the
article in question did not originate from that server.

> In your case, it would be whatever your external news host places in the
> "Path:" for all articles that it sees. Normally, this appears as the 
> first path entry of all articles that you receive from this host.
> Recent versions of newsx additional safeguards in this area - I assume 
> you are using an earlier version.

Are you saying that the fact that I have not excluded junk and control
is the reason for my problem?

Takk for svar.
Hilsen Petter
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