Dear NMusers,

I'm having trouble writing the code for my model. I have IV and IP
administrations data, that I would like to model simultaneously. We found
out that IP was best modeled by a first order absorption, using an input
compartment (DADT(1)=-KA*A(1)). At first, we used a CMT column in the
dataset to indicate for each dosing event if it is IV or IP. But then, as
we made the model more complicated, we realized that we couldn't use a CMT
column. We study the parent compound, as well as its metabolite at the same
time but the problem is we cannot put a compartment number for the
metabolite's observations. This is because, given the model structure, the
prediction for the metabolite concentrations is a sum of 3 concentrations
in 3 different compartments (e.g. IPRED=A(6)+A(7)+A(8)). So we think that
putting a compartment number for the observation would be confusing for
NONMEM. What do you think? Do you see how we could model IV and IP
simultaneously, without using the CMT column ? or any other solution?

Thank you for your help

Fanny Gallais

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