Thursday, 15 September, 2016
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

A fair amount of 'drop-in' from the Wed. night-Thurs. morning's  
nocturnal migration, which was quite good region-wide - Central Park  
probably did not equal Brooklyn's Prospect Park which enjoyed so many  
special birds, including their diversity of warbler sightings, but  
there were still at least 19 species of warblers in Central (park- 
wide) on Thursday, and as reported widely region-wide, a good flight  
of Philadelphia Vireo was noted as well in Central with sightings from  
both the north end & the Ramble, which may have had more than 1  
individual of that species or at least, more than 1 location.

Some additional species showing again Thursday & in a more "expected"  
time-frame include Lincoln's Sparrow and Indigo Bunting, as well as  
some diurnal raptors, including a "few" Broad-winged Hawks, a species  
now coming down through New England in their peak flight period for  
the southbound migration, with thousands being seen at multiple watch- 
sites (in New England but with some very near to New York state).

Once again, Red-breasted Nuthatches maintained a strong presence in  
Central, and these of course are becoming nearly ubiquitous in some  
well-birded (as well as out-of-the-spotlight) sites, region-wide.

thanks to all who offered reports, and to the many who bird quietly  
and with courtesy and respect to the birds and their fellow birders.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability  
and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends  
otherwise." - Aldo Leopold (1887–1948), U.S. wildlife biologist,  
conservationist, professor, author, best known for his book "A Sand  
County Almanac" (1949), which has sold more than two million copies.

good birding,

Tom Fiore


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