
I have some data which is on a grid of cube shaped volume elements.
The grid is an 8x8 grid (64 elements), made-up of two layers of nodes

My problem is that DX by default numbers the nodes starting at 0-161,
whereas the application generating the data (LS-Dyna) numbers the nodes

Therefore when I try to import the data (following the example on page 254
of the user's guide) I get the error:

Begin Execution
ERROR: Import:  Invalid data: 573rd item in `connections' component (162) is
not between 0 and 161  / file 'd3plot.dx' line 14

My .dx file "d3plot.dx" is as follows:

 object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items         162 lsb binary
 data file d3plot,         260
 attribute "dep" string "positions"
 object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 9 items          64 lsb binary
 data file d3plot,        2204
 attribute "element type" string "cubes"
 attribute "ref" string "positions"
 object 3 class array type float rank 0 items         162 lsb binary
 data file d3plot,        4560
 attribute "dep" string "positions"
 object "irreg positions irreg connections binary file" class field
 component "positions" value 1
 component "connections" value 2
 component "data" value 3

(forgive the wierd spacing,  I have written a code to auto-generate the .dx
file for d3plots with different sized meshes, and I haven't bothered to
tweak the format statements yet)

Can I get DX to number it's nodes from 1-162 instead of 0-161? If not, is
there a way to get DX to subtract 1 from each of the numbers in the
connectivity list?

I am also open to other solutions.

If anyone would like to try things out on my binary file ("d3plot") ask me
and I'll e-mail it to you, I would attach it to this e-mail, however, it is
3.6 megabytes and I decided it would be poor form to send a large attachment
to a list.

Thank you very much

Mark Gesing,
MASc. Candidate,
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering,
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 x32309
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