On Mon, Jan 04, 2010, Wilson Jason wrote:

> Can we get another update on what is happening with Openpkg-4?

Current status quo is:

1. as announced, we have finally frozen the old RPM 4 based OpenPKG
   2 CURRENT distribution (OpenPKG 3 actually was the commercial
   OpenPKG ENTERPRISE variant on which OpenPKG 4 now partly is
   based) and moved it from ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/current/SRC/ to
   This is now 100% frozen (no more package updates) and exists as
   a reference point for those who don't want to upgrade to the new
   OpenPKG 4.

2. we have migrated the CURRENT history of all package specifications
   from our ancient CVS repository to a new Monotone repository and will
   soon commit new package upgrades there. The old CVS repository is now
   gone and no longer available.

3. we have still polished and fine-tuned the OpenPKG 4.0 framework a
   little more. The latest version (4.0.1) is available under
   When bootstrapping the latest version always can be found under the
   generic URL: http://openpkg.org/go/download/openpkg.src.sh

4. Thomas has written some more details about the
   available licensing options for OpenPKG 4 in his blog:
   http://www.lotterer.net/blog/en/274-openpkg-4-0-licenses-explained In
   short: 90 day evaluation is easily possible with the built-in EVAL
   license and until the VALUE license can be finally purchased online
   (soon), the PROMO license grants you fully production use, too. And
   for real Open Source community players, the COMMUNITY license is
   available free of charge, too. So, lots of options to have a solution
   for mostly everybody. A license change is a trivial task (just a
   single command) and does not require any package changes at all. So
   you can setup your OpenPKG 4 instances (or upgrade from OpenPKG 2/3)
   and then just enable the VALUE or COMMUNITY license afterwards.

5. we are now busy working on providing a simple online shop where
   the commercial VALUE licenses (and possibly others) can be purchased.
   The final price for VALUE is expected to be somewhere in the usual
   low price segment of shareware and it will be licensed "per kernel
   per year" (see Thomas' blog entry for more details).

> We have a deployment of Openpkg-3 systems across various production
> systems. With the change in licensing we need to re-evaluate our
> options. In particular, is Openpkg going to continue to be a viable
> option for us.

I'm sure the new RPM 5 based OpenPKG 4 will continue to be a viable
option for you because it is of very high quality (we performed an
in-depth 1.5 year testing phase now with nearly 100 beta releases and
on deployments directly on a dozen production Unix servers), is based
on all the experience and technology of previous versions and will be
available both free of charge (for community usage) and at an affordable
shareware price (for commercial usage).

Also notice that despite the old OpenPKG ENTERPRISE (a full all-in-one
commercial product), OpenPKG 4 consists of a commercial OpenPKG
framework and Open-Source OpenPKG packages. Only the framework is
commercially licensed by the OpenPKG GmbH. The OpenPKG packages are from
the non-commercial OpenPKG Foundation e.V. and continue to stay under
no restrictions at all and are provided free of charge and this way
allow full flexibility to the users and customers. You can deploy any
OpenPKG packages into your framework (at least as long as the packages
technically work with RPM 5, of course). This organisatorial and
licensing split and resulting flexibility was one of the major feedbacks
and most often requests of OpenPKG customers over the last 4 years.

> You said in your announcement:
>   Finally, for static installations, a shareware license (VALUE) will be
> available for a small fee.
> Is there any indication of what this is likely to be?

The final price of the OpenPKG 4 framework is still under evaluation by
us, but it definitely will be in the shareware price segment of just
about 50-90 EUR. Details are coming soon.

> As there are no longer going to be updates for Openpkg-3 we either need
> to self-maintain or seek alternatives until this can be determined.

Well, in contrast to OpenPKG 3 (ENTERPRISE) the OpenPKG 2 (CURRENT) --
what you are still using -- is fully Open Source and always will be. We
even still provide a download for it. So, there is no rush for you. And
you also already can easily test-drive OpenPKG 4 until the VALUE license
is available, too.

A few procedures for you:

---- TEST-DRIVE OPENPKG 4 FROM SCRATCH --------------------------------------

# download latest OpenPKG framework bootstrap sources
curl -LO http://openpkg.org/go/download/openpkg.src.sh

# bootstrap OpenPKG instance
sh openpkg.src.sh \
    --prefix=/openpkg --tag=openpkg \
    --user=openpkg --group=openpkg
sh openpkg-*-openpkg.sh

# build and install Apache and Lynx
/openpkg/bin/openpkg build \
    -D apache::with_mod_ssl apache lynx | sh

# start Apache and test with Lynx
/openpkg/bin/openpkg rc apache start
/openpkg/bin/lynx https://localhost/

# stop Apache and erase OpenPKG instance
/openpkg/bin/openpkg rc apache stop
/openpkg/bin/openpkg rpm \
    -e `/openpkg/bin/openpkg rpm -qa`

---- UPGRADE FROM OPENPKG 2/3 to OPENPKG 4 ----------------------------------

# set prefix of OpenPKG 2/3 instance to upgrade

# build and upgrade to the OpenPKG 4 framework
# (builds RPM 5 with RPM 4)
$prefix/bin/openpkg build \
    -r http://download.openpkg.org/stacks/current/source/ openpkg | sh

# rebuild RPM database
$prefix/bin/openpkg rpm --db-rebuild

# remove obsolete package
$prefix/bin/openpkg rpm -e openpkg-tools

# rebuild and reinstall OpenPKG 4 framework with itself
# (builds RPM 5 with RPM 5)
$prefix/bin/openpkg build -g -u -q openpkg | sh

# rebuild all OpenPKG packages with new RPM 5 based OpenPKG 4 framework
rm -rf $prefix/RPM/PKG/*
$prefix/bin/openpkg build -ZaKB | sh


                                       Ralf S. Engelschall

OpenPKG                                             http://openpkg.org
User Communication List                      openpkg-users@openpkg.org

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