On 08/14/2017 07:16 AM, Michael Ströder wrote:
Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I am getting a SAN in the csr e.g.:

         Requested Extensions:
             X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
                 IP Address:
But I am not getting SAN in the cert.  Perhaps I need something for SAN in the
-extensions section?  Right now I only have:
Are you using "openssl ca" for signing the cert?

Yes, I am.

If yes, you could add the line

copy_extensions = copy

to your CA config section.



Ciao, Michael.

Thanks. That works. Now that I can get a SAN into the certs I need to research using othername and what a hardwaremodulename OID looks like and make it happen. Got to google some and ask around more.

Again thanks for helping me get this far.


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