Yesterday I shared through the list a picture of a box I had "created",
confessed I made it by tweaking a fold of Victor M. N. R.'s "Star Bowl",
and mentioned it's similar appearance to tato boxes, like ones folded by
Phillip Chapman-bell, Melisandé, and Jun Mitani. I then asked if it was a
variation of one or the other and also what constituted a variation in
origami, being variation a quite common world in its realm.

Dianne, helped in the discussion by sharing two URLs, one was for various
dictionary definitions of "variation" and the other was for Wikipedia's
entry of "Derivative work", a concept in copyright law. Thank you Dianne
for helping with the discussion : )

So this is the main definition of "variation" according to the oxford
dictionary: "A change or slight difference in condition, amount, or level,
typically within certain limits"

This is the one of "derivative work" according to Wikipedia: "a derivative
work is an expressive creation that includes major copyright-protected
elements of an original, previously created first work (the underlying

The box I created shares a good number of steps with "Star Bowl", but it's
appearance ends up being significantly different (at least in my opinion).
Is any of this of relevance when talking about a model variation?

It's appearance is closer to tato boxes (don't know if you would agree),
but I don't know if they share any steps. To this day I don't know how to
fold them, so I can say I didn't base the folding process of my box on the
folding process of models like this one:

So how about this other things? Is any of this of relevance when discussing
about the variation of models?

Please let me know what you think guys think!

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