>I did something by adding just one fold to a traditional model. I was
wondering, is that already an original model?

It's an interesting question but not in the sense you are asking about.
So you have traditional model + one fold. In terms of publishing it would
mean that you can publish it any time without any questions.
In other sense I don't really understand why claiming it an original model
is so important to you. As soon as you ask this question I feel that the
model did not change a lot...

At the same time one fold may be crucial to the appearance. The author of
this one (figure to the right https://www.google.com/
biw=1407&bih=727#imgrc=GJnHMH-DaWvIQM:) claims that it's only one fold
added to a sheet (imo 2 folds but it does not really matter) but I think
it's an original model no matter what :D This way 'one fold' can be very

PS. A disclaimer: I do not pretend to be an universal source of truth, just
thinking aloud ;)

2017-07-30 16:05 GMT-07:00 Gerardo @neorigami.com <gera...@neorigami.com>:

> Sorry for starting so many topics, but they are all genuine questions for
> which I really desire an answer : )
> I did something by adding just one fold to a traditional model. I was
> wondering, is that already an original model?
> Thank you guys.
> PS: Hopefully I'll have something soon to write back about action letter
> folds and envelopes.

Best Regards,
Ekaterina Lukasheva
my facebook <https://www.facebook.com/kusudamame> page
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